Posted on: 19 March, 2015

Author: Todd Dawson

A sport for a lifetime is something an average person can never understand. But, this is what tennis is. Start playing the game whenever you want; even in your old age.  It also offers you numerous health benefits. If you are planning to get a fair share of the benefits it presents, the following observations will definitely help. Why play tennis? Following are some of the benefits tennis has in store for those who play it consistently. Staying fit is something everyone desires. But, most of the people hesitate to delve into a workout program. One has to master as many exercise techniques as the number of muscles in the body. A tight timeframe too comes to influence the final decision in this regard. Tennis is capable of eliminating all these troubles. It is a game where you have to act fast making it an ideal exercise program for the entire body. Experiences show that playing tennis makes a person flexible, increases aerobic and anaerobic fitness and boosts the ability to coordinate movements. During a match, you run up to 3 miles and burn more than 600 calories. Quite naturally, it helps your body get rid of the excess of fat. The game also assists to maintain a low lipid profile. As a result, you stay safe from the life-threatening diseases like high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke. This happens because low levels of lipid regulate the formation of cholesterol. Tennis being a whole body workout improves your overall health. This empowers your immune system. Increased muscle mass and bone density you gain through the game helps you stay safe from the conditions like osteoporosis. Tennis also contributes towards a magnetic personality. Constant relief from stress minimizes the instances of depression. You also learn to better manage your anger. Experts often describe a tennis game as “1,000 sprints. The fast movements increase your heart beat rate and burns the fat stored in your body. Tennis matches generally last up to 2 hours. Researchers observe that this along with the intervals offers the maximum workout it needs. Those who play the game regularly protect themselves from a majority of the diseases affecting this vital organ in the body. Tennis is based on the principles of physics and geometry. And, it can be regarded as an active substitute for chess, the brain game. You remain alert to every movement of your opponent. Extensive research done in the field shows that those who play tennis are able to maintain sharpness of mind even when they grow old. Flex tennis leagues                                            Ours is a time when even a busy schedule is not an excuse to stay fit. Search online with the keyword “flex tennis leagues.” You will come across numerous clubs with a view to help you play the game as per your schedule. Source: Free Articles from Visit eTennis league and join for free. Register for spring tennis leagues and play at local courts. Get more info on this link.