Top Ten Weighs to Jump Start Your Weight Loss

Posted on: 29 September, 2005

1. Eat protein at every meal, including breakfast. 2. Eliminate wheat- and flour-based products for the time being. And yes, that definitely includes bread and pasta. 3. Eat unprocessed foods. Nine... 2. Eliminate wheat- and flour-based products for the time being. And yes, that definitely includes bread and pasta. 3. Eat unprocessed foods. Ninety percent of what you eat should be a combination of (in this order of importance) raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and maybe a few fruits if necessary. 4. Reduce starch to one portion a day, and don't eat that portion during your evening...

Top Ten Excuse-busters for taking Exercise

Posted on: 29 September, 2005

Do you come out with a lot of excuses when it's time to get moving? Are you always putting off going to the gym until tomorrow? Do you really want to exercise but somehow never get around to it? Here are 10 ways to blast right through those excuses. 1. Exercise is boring Not all exercise is created equal. You don't have to get fit by spending hours on soul-less machines down at the gym. Somewhere out there is an activity you'll love and it's just a case of looking around until you find it. Is there something you loved...

Increase Golf Swing Speed Easily

Posted on: 11 September, 2005

Author: Mike Pedersen

Golf swing speed is an elusive term for most amateur golfers.  We’ve all heard of it and know it relates somehow to longer drives, but how can we increase golf swing speed quickly and effectively? Increase Golf Swing Speed Easily Golf swing speed is an elusive term for most amateur golfers.  We’ve all heard of it and know it relates somehow to longer drives, but how can we increase golf swing speed quickly and effectively? Do you think it’s swing harder?  Have you tried that approach?  What happened?  I can take a wild guess.  The ball didn’t go anywhere!  You...

Improve Your Golf Game Right Now

Posted on: 03 September, 2005

Author: Mike Pedersen

Improve your golf game right now you say?  I say, absolutely!  Don’t waste another dime on new golf equipment: taking one more lesson; or hitting one more ball at the range, until you finish reading this article. You see…it’s not what you think that’s not allowing you to improve your golf game. It’s something very simple and easy to remedy.  It’s YOU!  How your body moves throughout your golf swing.  Let me ask you…do you feel nice and loose, relaxed and fluid when you swing a club on the golf course?  Do you feel like your backswing is...

Golf Swing Tips Will Not Work By Themselves

Posted on: 15 August, 2005

Author: Mike Pedersen

Golf swing tips are rampant!  Golfers can’t get enough of them.  But are they working…or are they adding to the confusion and frustration of your game?  Many qualified instructors will tell you to stay away from all the golf swing tips in the golf magazines. Why?  Because it causes “paralysis-by-analysis!”  What I mean is you get on the course and you are thinking too much about your golf swing mechanics and not enough about getting the ball in the fairway, onto the green, and in the hole!  We also call this the “62-point checklist”.  I’m here to tell you...

Staying out of Trouble with your Driver

Posted on: 12 August, 2005

Author: David Nevogt

Well the good news is that, regardless of what problem you are fighting, there are a few things to incorporate into your game that really will help you. If you're the golfer that's saying right now, "... Well the good news is that, regardless of what problem you are fighting, there are a few things to incorporate into your game that really will help you. If you're the golfer that's saying right now, "I've battled a slice for 25 years", then this is not going to be the undisputed end of your problem. But you CAN reduce the slice or...

Getting Your Hands Through the Ball at Impact

Posted on: 11 August, 2005

Author: David Nevogt

Have you ever thought about what your hands and forearms are actually doing at the moment of impact? If not, please give this a try because it's one of the most important parts of the swing. The Simple Golf Swing explains this move, and others, in much more detail. Try to get into the impact position, like you are about to make solid contact with the ball. Now flip your trailing wrist like you were casting a fishing pole. This is referred to as a wrist break, and it’s not a move that you want to make in golf. So...

Paintball Marker Upgrades – Battle Gear

Posted on: 09 August, 2005

Author: Robb Ksiazek

Good paintball guns are the ones with the ability to upgrade.  Customization is the key factor in celebrating a paintballers style of play.  Learn the style and take control of paintball equipment for a better chance at the win. Not all paintball markers are the same. And they shouldn’t be. The many paintball equipment manufacturers bring lots of ideas to the table and the stores shelves. Getting the most out of the gear is up to the player. Several upgrades can be added to the marker to edge out the opponent. Good paintball guns are the ones with the ability...

Tips to Help You Gain Weight

Posted on: 05 August, 2005

Author: Hamoon Arbabi

There are a couple of reasons why most people fail in their attempt to gain more muscle mass:A. Improper diet.Most people are not eating enough protein and eating too many simple carbs.They are not stressing their muscles during each workout. You don't have to kill yourself, but you must subject your body to out of the ordinary stress each workout to grow muscle.B. They lack consistency. They do not stay focused throughout the entire 12-week period. If they don't see results immediately, they get discouraged and quit. You have got to stick with your plan. No program will work for...

To Supplement or Not to Supplement; That is the Question

Posted on: 05 August, 2005

Author: Hamoon Arbabi

Some fitness adherents are supplement crazy and spend money like a Vegas drunk with a big roll trying to impress girls he barely knows. I know lots of folks who admit to spending hundreds of bucks each month on the newest, latest dietary or supplement craze. A subtler shade of this same affliction is the cutting-edge Elite who also purchase lots of supplements and spend lots of disposable income on nutritional supplements of some type or another, the newer the better for this crew. Both ends of the fitness feeding chain are seduced by supplements that promise everything and deliver...