Baseball Fielding Drills: Bucket Ball

Posted on: 01 August, 2005

Author: Dave Cole

Keep the kids interested with this cool fielding drill that is fun to do and let's the kids get a lot of fielding practice in a short time. Baseball Fielding Drills: Bucket BallBy: Dave Cole Bucket Ball Bucket Ball is a fun fielding drill that not only gives the kidsa lot of practice catching ground balls, but also keeps theminterested and motivated. Choose two captains, then let them pick up sides from your team. You'll need two empty 5 gallon buckets or two milk crates. Place one bucket on the ground a couple of feet down the firstbase line from...

How Does Whey Protein Affect My Body?

Posted on: 26 July, 2005

Author: Hamoon Arbabi

Fitness. Whey protein is available in supplement form and whey protein contains many positive health benefits within its whey protein powder formula. Derived originally from whole milk, whey protein is separated and collected during the cheese making process and whey protein powder has proven to yield the highest amount of rapidly absorbed whey protein available thus far. This quick absorption makes whey protein powder easily tolerated by athletes and sportsmen of any age. Essentially, in whey protein's purest form whey protein contains no fat, lactose or cholesterol, making whey protein a healthy addition to any diet. While dairy products, meat...

Exercise and Losing Weight for Life – Avoid the #1 mistake everyone makes!

Posted on: 26 July, 2005

Author: Greg Ryan

Try to avoid the number one mistake people make in allowing your body to figure out what your game plan is. Do this and you will consistently see progress. Do you ever feel like you are working out so hard and nothing seems to happen. You can’t seem to lose that last few pounds, increase that bench press or tighten up those triceps. Why?  Why do doctors only recommend that you take antibiotics for a short period of time? The only are affective for a short while because the body builds up an immune system to them. One of the...

How to Cope With Stress and Anxiety

Posted on: 12 July, 2005

Among the hardest parts of living in the modern world is stress and anxiety. With worries about work, the environment, the economy, natural disasters, terrorism, and the general state of the world, it seems that there is no end to the number of things to worry about. Though we cannot control many of these things, they still weigh on our minds and cause us stress and anxiety. However, despite these concerns, we should try to avoid stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are, at their hearts, mental problems. They are conditions in which the mind is racing and constantly circling...

Golfer: Keep An Eye on The Ball

Posted on: 11 July, 2005

You hear this mantra in every sport keep your eye on the ball! Its a perfect chant for the golf player at every turn. If you cant see the ball clearly, your chances of hitting it are slim to none! When you look at the ball, you want to keep your eyes on one spot. Dont look at your club to see if its squared to the ball. Dont let your eye follow the club as you draw it away Just focus on the ball nothing else. Also, when you look at the ball, try to get a birds eye...

Cope With and Minimize Tattoo Pain

Posted on: 05 July, 2005

Author: David Z

While there is no way to anticipate the amount of pain you will experience, arriving with certain amount of determination will almost certainly guarantee you that it won't hurt as nearly as much as you expected. Getting a tattoo involves piercing the skin, and so there is going to be some pain involved, no matter how small the tattoo and no matter where it is on your body. The amount and type of pain experienced is highly variable depending on each individual's tolerance to and acceptance of pain. While tattooing, the needles puncture the skin at a very fast rate...

Aerobic Activity Burns Fat

Posted on: 01 July, 2005

Author: Gary Gresham

Aerobic activity is any exercise that helps you use oxygen more efficiently. It gets your heart pumping faster, makes you sweat and quickens your breath. When you raise your heart rate your body begins to burn stored carbohydrates and fatty acids for energy. Aerobic activity is very effective in controlling your weight and is an ideal way to burn calories. Research shows that a regular aerobic routine, combined with healthy eating habits is the best way to maintain a healthy body. Did you know that the heart is a muscle? That means you can make your heart stronger and more...

They Said It on TV, So It Must Be True

Posted on: 29 June, 2005

Author: Dave Soucy

Lose 30 pounds in 30 days! Lose the weight without the effort! Eat anything you want, and still lose weight! ... you look – magazine covers, print ads, radio, TV ... the internet – he Lose 30 pounds in 30 days! Lose the weight without the effort! Eat anything you want, and still lose weight! Everywhere you look – magazine covers, print ads, radio, TV infomercials, the internet – headlines like those above, promoting the latest weight loss sensation, abound. They are impossible to avoid. Whether it is for the latest diet craze, magic pill, or infomercial gadget, we are...

British Aikido Board National Nepotism Seminar

Posted on: 26 June, 2005

Author: Henry Ellis

Henry Ellis a Founder Member of The British Aikido Board the Governing Body for UK Aikido ( Now resigned )  Summarizes the bizarre attitude of the BAB in its disregard of the true history and lineage of British Aikido. Ellis a direct student of the legendary master Kenshiro Abbe Sensei from 1957 and one of the first of eight black belts in the 1950's. For many years The British Aikido Board ( BAB ) have shown no interest whatsoever in the true history of British Aikido, to be fair to the BAB, they have in the past shown a great...

Golfing Products… And What you Need To Know Before Purchasing

Posted on: 26 June, 2005

Author: Mike Pedersen

Most notably golfing products that are supposed to dramatically improve one’s game, virtually overnight.  Smart entrepreneurs have cashed in on the fact that almost every golfer is constantly lo... Most notably golfing products that are supposed to dramatically improve one’s game, virtually overnight.  Smart entrepreneurs have cashed in on the fact that almost every golfer is constantly looking for a way to improve their game and reduce their handicap. The result is that so many golfing products have flooded the market and the results have been predictable. You will come across many golfers who have garages filled with golfing products...